你問寫文大忌喺咩?一定喺上文不接下理!咁樣真喺會睇到markers頭都痛!所以連接詞就好好用,適量咁加一加,為你嘅writing paper 同speaking paper錦上添花,話咁易就一箭雙雕!想知有咩連接詞最好用?一齊用past paper實測下啦!




  • Furthermore 此外/而且


People can take a glance of stage play by videos to enhance their understanding towards these shows. Furthermore, it can help them to enlighten their interest towards the performance too.



  • Though 雖然/儘管


I would suggest you go for your dream in becoming a vet, though it may be a tough way to convince your parents.



  • For instance 例如


It is not uncommon to see video-recordings of drama to be shown all over the world. For instance, Broadway also streaming some of its live show.



  • Similarly 同樣地/相似地


I have been living in this cage for 3 years. Similarly, my owner has been in a larger cage called Hong Kong for 20 years. I would not be that silly to run from a small cage with food and drinks to a large cage with stress and tiredness.



  • Nevertheless 不過/儘管如此


The policy of reporting class position may cause some negative effects on pushing students to compete. Nevertheless, it brings more positive effects in motivating them to study and learn things with classmates in a good way.



  • Alternatively 要不/或者


We should abolish the policy of showing class position, or alternatively, replace it by some encouraging words which can attain same level of motivation for the students.


