Step 1:回應上一位的發言


It is true that this situation is happening as…
I share the same view with the former candidate since…


The suggestion given by former candidate is feasible because…
We can take the advice given by candidate B because…

留意番!所謂回應喺要比原因,不論反對或同意,如果唔喺就同「I agree with you.」無咩差別,記得比個人意見,先可以博得考官加分!


Step 2:說明自己嘅立場

在回應後,記得強調番stance!如果無講立場,後果會非常嚴重,例如題目寫「whether famous people should have their privacy protected」(HKDSE sample paper),明顯要考生比立場,同對比正面同反面論據,如︰

In my opinion, famous people should have their privacy assured. (立場)Some social medias may argue that the celebrity has a role model effect towards the public, so their private lives should be monitored too. (反面論據)However, I believe that famous people are also normal ones when they are out of the stage. They share the same rights as we do. (正面論證)So, the privacy of the celebrity should always be protected but not to be disclosed.(重申立場)



Step 3:小結︰轉下個討論重點/問未發言考生的意見


As we have discussed the background of Ice Bucket Challenge, do you have any suggestions of online activities that can help to raise money for charity purpose?

There are so many challenges for teenagers to write formal emails, but is email really that important in communication? Are there any other forms of communication?



What do you think about our ideas?
Do you have other suggestions?

因為Group discussion 重點是討論,所以要適時把他人帶入討論中。
