人人都想摘星,唔通人人都摘到星!?你又知唔知拎星星嘅秘訣喺點呢?真喺寫完篇文咁簡單?原來,考DSE英文Paper 2果陣加幾個有概括意義嘅關鍵用字,就可以令文章加分,咁摘星就更加容易啦!




  • Hence


I didn’t see the chance coming for me. Hence, I let it slip away.



  • Thus


We should offer the elderly home to those in need. Thus, they can feel the warmth and care of the society again and we can establish the closer link with the community as well.



  • Accordingly


The problem of solitary elders is getting more serious. Accordingly, we suggest organizing a regular gathering in the elderly home to allow the elderly to redevelop social circle.



  • Consequently


The public awareness towards local food and entertainment cultures is enhanced. Consequently, those cultures can be protected from vanishing.



  • Therefore


Dancers are of the similar physical strength as athletes since they need to dance on the stage for the whole performance which usually last for an hour and more. Therefore, they should be considered as athletes.



  • As a consequence


Due to the rise of nuclear family, there are more young people who are the single child in families. As a consequence, they are often spoiled by their parents. They may refuse to go to work, causing the rise in number of NEETs.


