你有冇發現自己寫文會成日用Very?又有冇覺得,用Very 時會令意思好唔準確,總喺同你想表達嘅意思差少少咁?其實,答案就喺呢度!因為Very比人嘅感覺好籠統,唔夠Specific(明確),所以今日開始,一齊嚟戒咗呢個習慣,學返有咩字可以代替Very ______啦!




  • Very angry 非常生氣> furious 怒不可遏的


The parents are very angry about the new policy of the school about banning students from having physical lessons.

  • The parents are furious about the new policy of the school about banning students from having physical lessons.



  • Very clever 非常聰明> intelligent 有才智的


She is very clever. Without the help from teachers, she has been working on the final essay since the start of this semester.

  • She is intelligent. She has been working on the final essay since the start of this semester.



  • Very cold 非常冷> freezing 極冷的


It’s only 1 degree Celsius today and I am very cold. Can you lend me a coat, please?

  • It’s only 1 degree Celsius today and I am freezing. Can you lend me a coat, please?



  • Very tired 非常累> exhausted 精疲力竭的


We are very tired after the trip, so probably would not be able to join the party tonight.

  • We are exhausted after the trip, so probably would not be able to join the party tonight.



  • Very worried 非常擔心> anxious 焦慮的/不安的


Oh! You are sweating. Are you very worried about the final score?

  • Oh! You are sweating. Are you anxious about the final score?



  • Very sad 非常傷心> depressed 憂鬱的/消沉的


She was very sad about the passing away of her little cat and she even locked herself in the bedroom to cry for whole night.

  • She was depressed about the passing away of her little cat and she even locked herself in the bedroom to cry for whole night.


