DSE Paper 2 嘅用字要多變,最好唔好重覆使用同一組用詞太多次。如果你想表達唔同意或者反對某件事嘅時候,除咗 do not agree with it 仲有咩字係可以代替呢?想知道的話,就一齊嚟睇睇以下用字啦!

Be against 反對

Some are against the protection of intangible cultural heritage items as those items are not helping economic needs of the city, yet wasting the effort to preserve them.


Be opposed to 反對

It is noticed that staff are opposed to long working hours because of a lack of resting time.


Be at odds 反對

I am at odds with the cancellation of policy of reporting students’ class position due to several advantages that it brings.


Object 反對

I object the view that watching TV makes us smarter due to imbalanced qualities of programs.


學識 say no 先喺致勝之道,記得要抄低以上用字啦!