作文嘅時候不論係總結成個論點、總結成篇文,定係總結一啲例子,其實都需要概括咗先,但一嚟就成句咁解釋又會令 Marker 覺得你唔夠 Organized,咁點算好?只要識用以下 Discourse marker 就解決到!記得 Paper 2 、Paper 3 同 Paper 4 都可以用架!


In most cases 在大多數的情況下

In most cases, the rich diversity of cuisines in Hong Kong is the dominant incentive for tourists to come and visit Hong Kong.


As a rule 一般說來

As a rule, people who violate the law in keeping the street clean needs to be fined, so it should be the same for that old lady.


Chiefly 主要地

Chiefly, a night hike is exhausting yet helps to train up our endurance.


On the whole 大體上

On the whole, penalties and fines consist of a sufficient amount of deterrent effect to stop people from littering.


Broadly speaking 概括地說

Broadly speaking, introducing more bus lanes wouldn’t be a good antidote for traffic congestion.


以後 DM 一出,誰與爭鋒!?仲想學更多咁好用嘅 DM?就要留意埋其他篇章啦!