作文嘅時候論點固然要站得住腳,但語氣都好重要!要人信服,都要比啲氣勢嘅!所以遇到想強調嘅地方,就要明確咁話比 marker 知,你強調緊呢嗰 point,唔可以輕輕帶過,輕易放走加分嘅機會啊!考生們仲唔快啲拎起枝筆抄低佢!


As a matter of fact 事實上

As a matter of fact, going on a working holiday is an eye-opening experience.


Most important of all 最重要的是

Most important of all, giving blood is beneficial for both the donor and the receiver.


Without any questions 毫無疑問地

Without any questions, catching up with the trend in changing smartphone once a year, can be too luxurious for underprivileged families.


The chief characteristic 主要的特徵

The chief characteristic of young people who avoid social contact is that they push others away from their comfort zone.


To some extent 在某程度上

To some extent, working in Shenzhen can allow people to attain a better quality of life, due to the lower cost of living and it being less crowded.


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