城市人忙咗一日,好似只有夜晚嘅時間先可以好好享受,所以將睡眠推遲。又或者有部份人喺夜睡不寧,所以要好好補眠!究竟以上徵狀嘅英文 idioms 係點樣講?未訓得著,未想訓住嘅你,都一齊嚟睇吓啦!


To turn in / to hit the hay : to go to bed 去睡覺

I’m ready to turn in. Can I turn the light off?


Forty winks : a short sleep during the day 打盹

She has forty winks on the way to my home since she didn’t sleep well last night.


A night owl : someone who loves to stay up late 晚睡者

Stop being a night owl. You are having dark circles under your eyes.


Pull an all-nighter : staying up all night to work on something 熬夜做事

I pulled an all-nighter last night, hoping that I can fix the loophole on time.


Tossing and turning all night : moving around a lot in your sleep 輾轉反側

It’s too hot to sleep without air-conditioning. I was tossing and turning all night.


原來夜貓英文唔喺night cat,開夜車都唔只喺 burn midnight oil!真喺要好好記低先!