有時會覺得用嚟用去都係咁嘅句式?每次講因果關係,就喺 because 嚟又 because 去?咁你就好需要呢個句子大變身啦!等作文嘅句式更多花款,任 maker 選擇,想唔拎星星都難啦!事不宜遲,一齊嚟睇吓啦!


Because of > As a result of

變身前:Because of the insufficient regulation in working hours, many coworkers are working overtime, and this can pose a grave threat to their health condition.

變身後:As a result of the insufficient regulation in working hours, many coworkers are working overtime, and this can pose a grave threat to their health condition.



So > As a consequence

變身前:Once in a lifetime, you find something you truly crave for, but you are not brave enough to try. So, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

變身後:Once in a lifetime, you find something you truly crave for, but you are not brave enough to try. As a consequence, you may regret it for the rest of your life.



Because of > Due to

變身前:Because of the human desire to look attractive, many people tend to carry out plastic surgery these years.

變身後:Due to the human desire to look attractive, many people tend to carry out plastic surgery these years.


