職場英語有好多種,要學識曬更加唔喺簡單嘅事,但又何必捨易取難呢?其實職場都有好多慣用語嘅出現率十分高,想人哋讚嘆你嘅英文水平?定唔想比人 underestimate?以下嘅商界英文慣用語都可以幫到你!


Carve out a niche 闖出一片天

The publishing industry is shrinking recently, and we need to carve out a niche by investing in online platforms.
出版行業現正有萎縮的情況,我們需要在不同網上平台闖出一片天 。


Make a debut 初現 / 剛面世

This product is expected to make a debut soon, and we hope to earn a good reputation by it.


Go the extra mile 付出比別人期望中還要大的努力

You need to go the extra mile for this project as it’s the critical moment for saving the company.


Shoulder the blame 負起責任

No one is expected to shoulder the blame for you. You should take your own responsibility and risk.


Has an eye for 具有識別⋯⋯價值的眼光

To become capable in leading a team, you must have an eye for appointing the most appropriate person for the task.


學識呢啲商務英語,連外國人都感覺 native,職場達人仲唔喺非你莫屬?