

To go back to square one 重新開始

The application was turned down by the other company, so we went back to square one.


To turn over a new leaf 翻開新的一頁 / 改過自新

Fortunately, she has turned over a new leaf that she is no longer a drug addict.


To blaze a trail 起先導作用

With this brand-new software, our company can absolutely blaze a trail in technological development.


To break new ground 創新

Seeking ways to break new ground has always been the motto of our company.


A new lease of life 重獲新生

After travelling to japan for a whole month, I find that sufficient relaxation time really gives me a new lease of life.


每刻都可以喺一個新開始,念念間可能你諗通咗、參透咗某啲事物,成為一個新嘅自己、發現新嘅野,展開不一樣嘅生活,以後英文 idioms 都幫到你表達啦!