
1 6, 2023

10 Simple Tips for a Greener Life

2023-05-12T18:25:14+08:001/6/2023|Categories: 日常生活|Tags: |

The ice caps are melting. Animals are losing their homes and lives. Great places like Maldives and Venice may soon go underwater. Jump-start your green revolution for a greener life and do your part to save our planet. 1. Open your curtains and enjoy natural light. 2. Reuse paper until both sides are used up. [...]

23 5, 2023

#Caught in 4K #FOMO #LIT… 你知唔知呢啲詞彙點解呢? 2023年8個外國最紅常用網絡潮語你一定要知!

2023-08-15T17:12:54+08:0023/5/2023|Categories: 日常生活|Tags: , , |

你同人係網上傾計嗰陣,係唔係仲用緊 “LOL”或 “OMG”? 網上潮語不斷改變,你一定要跟上潮流,咁先會覺得自己冇落後。Wall Street English 整理咗 2023 年外國最流行嘅 Z 世代潮語,當你聽到外國朋友講潮語嗰陣,唔驚get唔到佢哋講咩啦。

16 5, 2023

我不太同意 英文要點樣有禮貌地表達?

2023-08-15T17:41:57+08:0016/5/2023|Categories: 商業英語|Tags: , |

每當喺小組討論,又或者係要同人溝通嘅時候,都有可能會出現相反或對立嘅意見。你哋有冇試過遇到呢種情況,但係又驚講“I disagree with you”太直接,而唔夠膽或者唔知應該點樣反駁人哋嘅睇法呢?咁呢個時候,我哋要點樣有禮貌同婉轉咁樣表達自己嘅意見呢?

1 5, 2023

Are they your favorite Superheroes?

2023-08-25T12:16:42+08:001/5/2023|Categories: 日常生活, 英文詞彙|Tags: |

Superheroes are fictional, but we do have heroes in reality. A hero is someone who does good things and helps other people. Are there any heroes near you? What do you want to learn from them?   Superman Occupation: Journalist Hard-working Responsible Cooperative   Batman Occupation: Businessman Logical Creative Independent   Black Widow Occupation: Intelligence [...]

21 4, 2023

求職必備:如何請前雇主幫你撰寫Reference letter推薦信?(包含範例)

2023-12-08T17:21:23+08:0021/4/2023|Categories: 商業英語|Tags: , |

打工仔搵工必睇:前雇主幫你撰寫Reference letter推薦信要注意嘅事項?應該點樣有禮貌咁請人地幫你寫推薦信?推薦信係搵工求職必備嘅文件,好多公司都會向應徵者要求一至兩封推薦信。不過好多人都唔知道點樣開口搵人幫手寫推薦信。就等Wall Street English幫下大家啦!除咗向雇主申請獲取推薦信嘅注意事項之外,我哋仲會提供埋Email範例比大家用作參考,希望幫到大家順利搵工!

4 4, 2023

復活節好去處 / 節目2023

2023-08-16T12:11:45+08:004/4/2023|Categories: 節日英語|

復活節假期就到, 想同朋友、屋企人過一個歡樂嘅復活節?究竟有咩復活節活動好玩,但又唔驚周圍都迫滿人?今日由Wall Street English為大家介紹幾個喺歐美英語國家嘅傳統復活節習俗啦。祝大家復活節快樂!