Most of you may think that Business English is about using some advanced and uncommon phrases. Yet, it is a big misconception! If you know how to use the common expressions, it can be a very simple thing. The expressions with the word ‘make’ can surely help you in dealing with email reply and meeting.


Make an effort

Thank you so much for making an effort in this campaign. It wouldn’t be so successful without your help.


Make a mistake

I’m afraid I have to reconsider this cooperation since you’ve made several mistakes in the plan.


Make an offer

Please feel free to make your offer if you are satisfied with the product.


Make a profit

She made a huge profit from selling the photo-editing app to the advertisement company.


Make a speech

I would like you to make a speech during the opening ceremony of the company’s annual dinner.


Make a suggestion

Can you make a suggestion for the company’s future development plan?


Remember the above expressions which will guide you the way in handling emails and holding meetings!