28 8, 2023

IELTS Speaking Part 1 : The common questions candidates wish to know! (1)

2024-03-15T16:55:08+08:0028/8/2023|Categories: IELTS|

IELTS Speaking is divided into three parts and part 1 is approximately 5 minutes. It is generally about family, study / work and hobbies of the candidate. Yet, it is never said to be easy. So, let’s prepare for the questions together! 1) Study / work - What is the most interesting part of [...]

14 7, 2023

加拿大救生艇計劃 Stream B

2024-03-06T16:36:28+08:0014/7/2023|Categories: IELTS, 海外生活, informative|Tags: , , |

加拿大於2023年7月11日宣布香港人「救生艇計劃」加拿大 Stream B 修訂細節,擴大加拿大 Stream B 永久居留政策。內容為加拿大宣布取消 Stream B 的 5 年內在認可課程的專上院校畢業的學歷限制,於2023年8月15日生效,讓所有在加拿大持有開放式工作簽證 OWP 的人都有資格申請永久居留。

8 6, 2023

7 must-learn idioms for IELTS Speaking

2024-03-20T17:28:18+08:008/6/2023|Categories: IELTS|Tags: , , |

Idioms are widely use in the communications in English. One of the criterias to get a band 7 or above in the IELTS Speaking exam is that you have to be proficient in English. One good way to show your proficiency in English is using idioms. Once the usage of idioms is mastered, you can expect to impress the examiner in the speaking test.

11 5, 2023

Reading skills: Learn common suffixes to guess the meaning of unknown words

2023-05-17T15:11:44+08:0011/5/2023|Categories: IELTS|Tags: , , |

How to cheat in the IELTS reading test: learn common suffixes and guess the meaning of unknown words. Do you feel frustrated in reading exams when you come across some words that you have no idea what do they mean? Wall Street English is going to teach you an easy way to guess the meaning of these words. Suffix refers to a group of letters added at the end of a word to create a new word. Learning suffixes may help you understand the meaning of the words and makes it much easier to understand passages in IELTS!

6 4, 2023

IELTS must-know: differences between British and American English (2)

2023-04-14T17:52:14+08:006/4/2023|Categories: Exam, IELTS|Tags: , |

What are the differences between British and American English? Last time we have learnt the spelling differences between British and American English. This time, we are gonna learn the vocabulary differences between them. Do you know “pants” could mean both “trousers” and “underwear”? Come and learn it with Wall Street English and handle different situations at ease in IELTS!

27 1, 2023

IELTS must-know: differences between British and American English (1)

2023-03-11T22:51:45+08:0027/1/2023|Categories: Exam, IELTS|Tags: |

Do you find it confusing whether to use British or American English in the IELTS exams? As a matter of fact, the examiners of the speaking test are from different countries, even the recordings in the listening exam could be of different accents. As a result, learning the differences between British and American English is of paramount importance. Let Wall Street English walk you through the major differences between them in terms of their spellings.

19 1, 2023

How to do IELTS Writing Task 1 Introduction apart from saying “the graph shows…”?

2023-01-19T10:51:01+08:0019/1/2023|Categories: Exam, IELTS|Tags: |

When it comes to IELTS Writing Task 1 where we need to describe the trends of the graphs, most of the candidates only use “the graph shows” for introduction. Having been used millions of times, this kind of sentence certainly will not earn you high marks. So, how can we do better? Let Wall Street English give you some examples.