教員隊伍 英文老師

Wall Street English 校內所有母語 英文老師 具 CELTA、TESOL 及 TEFL 資格,整個校舍都以英語溝通,由你進入校舍一刻開始,即身處全英語的環境,鬆容練習英文會話,增強自信。英語導師時刻關心你的學習進度,會定期為學員進行全面評核。無論你是想提升 DSE 英文﹑IELTS 考試 ﹑ 日常生活英文 或是 進修職場英語 Business English ,我們也有專業的 英文老師 助你掌握英文,達到你理想目標!

教員隊伍 英文老師

Fiona Mak, British, CELTA

“The best way to learn anything and retain information is to make sure you are enjoying and having fun throughout the process. This is the philosophy I stand by and I make sure to achieve this through my lessons at Wall Street English. I don’t just want you to be classroom smart but also use what you learn in the real world. I aim to promote speaking and listening using each of your unique strengths and weaknesses to ensure you develop to your fullest potential.”

教員隊伍 英文老師

Marcus Everett, British, CELTA

“Creating a relaxed, fun environment to practice and improve students English skills is a cornerstone of my teaching philosophy. Wall Street English provides me with the ideal environment to carry this philosophy out and I hope to see you in class very soon.”

教員隊伍 英文老師

Paul Gleghorn, British, TESOL Certificate 

“Understand your students drive. Feel their enthusiasm. Guided by your own professional experience, combine your own drive and enthusiasm for teaching to achieve results. And make it fun!”

教員隊伍 英文老師

James Allen, British, TEFL and TESOL

With a good grasp of the English language, you have the key to unlock the door to the world. It is an incredible privilege to impart my knowledge of this language to others through teaching, and I hope my enthusiasm and passion for English will make your learning experience lively, engaging, and most importantly fun!”

教員隊伍 英文老師

Zoe Rosney, American, TEFL

There’s nothing quite like the thrill of seeing that “Ah ha!” moment when a student truly grasps the language of English. It’s the reason I continue to teach and it inspires me to create dynamic and engaging lessons that bring the joy of learning to life. Join me on this exciting journey to explore this language!.”

教員隊伍 英文老師

Philip Falcon, Filipino, TESOL

Learning should be a fun and exciting experience. By creating an enjoyable learning environment for my students, I inspire my students to explore new ideas, engage in meaningful discussions, and develop a lifelong love for learning. Let’s explore the wonders of the English language together..”