It’s very tiring to go to school or work during weekdays, so weekends are the time to relax! Do you enjoy going on or staying at home on holidays? Here are some must-do activities when staying at home, do you agree?


1. Sleep in


I wish to sleep in every day, but it is impossible for me to do so.


2. Binge-watch


This drama is so addictive! I have spent all day binge-watching the entire season.


3. Veg out


On every Saturday, vegging out in front of the television is part of my weekly routine.


4. Talk endlessly on the phone


My sister talks endlessly to her boyfriend on the phone during midnight, which causes me to have trouble sleeping due to the noise.


5. Decluttering


There are too many clothes in my wardrobe and some of them are rarely worn. I guess I should start decluttering them now.