面試中要表現自己,喺自我介紹/ 面試官問你點解適合呢個工作職位時,都可以講返2-3個優點。唔想嚟嚟去去講完一個形容詞就冇嘢補充?可以試下運用以下呢啲句子,令到你嘅回應更加飽滿啦!

1. Organized -> Have it together 有條不紊

I always have it together and I like to do everything in an orderly manner.


2. Get along with sb -> Vibe with sb 與某人相處融洽

I really vibe with my coworkers even though we have not known each other for a long time.


3. Empathetic -> Put oneself in someone’s place 設身處地替他人著想

I believe putting ourselves in someone else’s place is a way to deal with conflict and enhance communication.


4. Have passion at work -> Eager beaver 對工作很有熱誠的人

He is an eager beaver who even enjoys to work overtime.


5. Ambitious -> Go-getter 雄心勃勃的人

She is such a go-getter. I’m sure that she will not onlybe involved in the company’s development, but also tries to improve and learn from her mistakes.


6. Influential -> Mover and shaker 具號召力、權勢的人

The manager is really a mover and shaker. Everyone listens to what he says.
