推薦信 Reference letter 係搵工求職必備嘅文件,好多公司都會向應徵者要求一至兩封推薦信。不過,推薦信並唔係雇主必須要提供比雇員嘅文件,好多人都唔知道點樣搵人幫手寫推薦信。就等Wall Street English幫下大家啦!除咗向雇主申請獲取推薦信嘅注意事項之外,我哋仲會提供埋Email範例比大家用作參考,希望幫到大家順利搵工! 


1. 有禮貌地詢問 Ask Politely 



e.g. I am in need of a letter of recommendation, and I would very much appreciate your help. 




2. 揀選寫信對象之原因 Share the reason why you picked them  



e.g. As you are well-liked and respected, I believe a reference letter from you would make a significant impact. 



e.g. You know me well in person and are familiar with my experience, skills and work ethic. Therefore, I believe you are the best person to write an impactful and honest letter of recommendation for me.  




3. 交代情況 Provide sufficient information  



e.g. I’ve included a copy of the job description and my most recent resume for your review, and it would be an honor if you wrote the reference letter on my behalf. 



4. 表達感謝 Show gratitude 

e.g. Thank you in advance for your assistance.  



5. 給別人拒絕的機會 Allow them to say no  



e.g. I know that you may be busy with work and might not be able to help me. Please don’t feel obligated to do this for me. I truly appreciate it either way.  



e.g. Of course, I completely understand if you are unable to commit to this. 




Dear XX, 

I hope you’re doing well since we last spoke. I am writing to seek your assistance with my job application. I am in need of a letter of recommendation, and I would very much appreciate your help. 


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your help and guidance provided during my time in [company]. You were instrumental to my growth as a [job area] in my career. Having you as a mentor has been my honor as you have helped me develop [job related] skills. I have learnt a lot from you. As you are well-liked and respected, I feel that a reference letter from you would make a significant impact. In addition, you know me well in person and are familiar with my experience, skills and work ethic. Therefore, I believe you are the best person to write an impactful and honest letter of recommendation for me. 


Thank you for your time in considering my request. I’ve included a copy of the job description and my most recent resume for your review, and it would be an honor if you wrote the reference letter on my behalf. Of course, I understand that you might be busy with work and unable to help me at this time. Please don’t feel obligated to do this for me. I truly appreciate it either way. 


If you have any questions or need any further information, please don’t hesitate to let me know.  


Best regards, 

[your name] 












