對很多人而言,要與陌生人 打開話題 是件困難且尷尬的事。如果要用英文外國同事、客戶打開話題就更是難上加難! 今日就教大家 10句商務對談中的開場白,助你在職場上主動出擊,搶得先機!


1. Hi, I’m (Name). It’s great to meet you.

你好,我是 (名字)。很高興見到你。


2. How are you today? Is everything going well?

你今天好嗎? 一切都順利嗎?


3. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your background?



4. Welcome to our company, is this your first time here? Let me show you around.

歡迎來到我們公司,這是你第一次來嗎? 讓我帶你四處看看。


5. What are you most looking forward to about working on this project?



6. What are some cultural differences between our countries that we should be aware of?



7. How long have you been working in this company?



8. Do you have to travel frequently for your job? What are your favorite cities?



9. What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?



10. This is my first visit to (City). Where would you recommend visiting?

這是我第一次到訪 (城市),你建議我到訪那些地方呢?