寫作卷除咗用詞可以轉轉轉,其實連接詞都可以!講轉折嘅時候,唔可以再只喺識用 but 啦!今日就嚟睇吓點樣可以將 but 轉做唔同嘅連接詞啦!你仲唔快啲 click 入嚟,一齊幫句子大變身?


But > Even though

變身前:Real sport is better for our health, but it has more constraints in space requirements compared to the virtual sport.

變身後:Even though real sport has more constraints in space requirements compared to the virtual sport, it is better for our health.



But > yet

變身前:I sang the wrong lyrics, but the audience was so supportive that they clapped their hands to show encouragement.

變身後:I sang the wrong lyrics, yet the audience was so supportive that they clapped their hands to show encouragement.



But > Nevertheless

變身前:Criminals and drug addicts did things wrong in the past, but a second chance should be given to them to let them do things right.

變身後:Criminals and drug addicts did things wrong in the past. Nevertheless, a second chance should be given to them to let them do things right.




下次用 but 字之前,記得再諗真啲,睇下有冇得轉用其他相似嘅連接詞,噉樣先可以增加奪星成功率哦!