考試一緊張,好易自亂陣腳,用完嘅字又重覆咁用!想將兩個想法連埋一齊,除咗用 and,就冇其他連接詞?諗到其他連接詞,但又怕用錯?想 idea 一個接一個咁表達,做到錦上添花?咁就要留意以下嘅句子大變身啦!


And > besides

變身前:She overcame depression by the support from family and advice from her doctor.

變身後:Besides support from her family, she overcame depression by seeking advice from her doctor.



And > In addition to

變身前:Virtual sport is convenient, and we can get a taste of different sports on the Wii.

變身後:In addition to the convenience of virtual sport,  we can get a taste of different sports on the Wii.

虛擬運動除了方便之外,又可以讓我們用 Wii 體驗不同的運動。


And > Furthermore

變身前:Teaching English through drama allows students to learn some sophisticated words and enhance their ability in appreciation of stage play.

變身後:Teaching English through drama allows students to learn some sophisticated words. Furthermore, it can enhance their ability in appreciation of stage play.



下次用 and 字前,不妨轉用以上選擇,奪星就更加無難度啦!