喺日常生活中,我哋聽過各種千奇百怪嘅笑聲。微笑、偷笑、嘲笑….咁多種 笑 ,單用 “Smile” 無辨法準確咁表達!一齊睇吓8種不同笑法嘅英文表達啦!

1. Smile 微笑

  • She greeted me with a warm smile when I arrived at the party.
  • 她在派對看到我時,露出了燦爛的微笑。

2. Giggle 傻笑 咯咯地笑

  • The silly joke made her giggle uncontrollably.
  • 那個愚蠢的笑話讓她情不自禁地傻笑。

3. Force a smile 強顏歡笑

  • Despite feeling sad, she forced a smile to hide her emotions.
  • 儘管感到難過,她還是強顏歡笑去掩飾自己的情緒。

4. Chuckle 輕聲笑

  • He couldn’t help but chuckle at the toddler’s adorable attempt to walk.
  • 父親看到嬰兒嘗試走路,忍不住輕輕地笑了。

5. Mock 嘲笑

  • It’s not polite to mock others for their mistakes.
  • 嘲笑別人的錯誤是很不禮貌的。

6. Beam 高興地笑 眉開眼笑

  • She beamed with pride when she received the award.
  • 當她收到獎項時,她高興得眉開眼笑。

7. Snicker 偷笑

  • He tried to hide his snicker when his friend mispronounced a word during their presentation.
  • 當他的朋友在滙報時發音不準時,他嘗試掩飾自己的偷笑。

8. Guffaw 哈哈大笑

  • His loud guffaw echoed through the room and caught everyone’s attention.
  • 他哈哈大笑的聲音在房間裏回蕩,引起了所有人的注意。