唔知你有冇試過Reading exam嘅時候睇唔明入面嘅字呢?想要更加順暢咁睇明一篇文章嘅話,就一定要跟Wall Street English學下suffix啦!Suffix又名接尾詞、後綴、字尾、語尾、詞尾,在詞匯學係指跟在詞語後嘅詞綴。英文單字嘅結構萬變不離其中,一齊學下 suffix ,輕鬆估出生字大概嘅意思,唔洗再驚睇唔明字詞意思啦! 


Noun Suffix  

1. Acy – state or quality  

False + acy = Fallacy 謬論 

Private + acy = Privacy 隱私 

Delicious + acy =Delicacy 精致(美食) 


2. Ism – doctrine, principles or belief  

Critical + ism = Criticism 批評 

Optimistic + ism = Optimism 樂觀主義 

Narcissistic + ism = Narcissism 自戀 


3. Ity – quality or degree of  

Pure + ity = Purity 純度 

Serene + ity = Serenity 寧靜 

Odd + ity = Oddity 古怪 


4. Ment – an action or resulting state  

Punish + ment = Punishment 懲罰 

Refresh + ment = Refreshment 茶點 

Develop + ment = Development 發展 



Adjective Suffix  

1. Ic – relating to  

Centre + ic = Centric 中心的 

Icon + ic = Iconic 標志性的 

Poem + ic = Poetic 詩意的 


2. Less – without something  

Fear + less = Fearless 無所畏懼的 

Care + less = Careless 粗心的 

Hope + less = Hopeless 絕望的 


3. Ful – full or notable of  

Care + ful = Careful 謹慎的 

Beauty + ful = Beautiful 美麗的 

Respect + ful = Respectful 尊敬的 



Verb Suffix 

1. En – become  

Soft + en = Soften 軟化 

Wide + en = Widen  擴大
Strength + en = Strengthen 加強 


2. Ize / ise – to cause or become  

Visual +  ize = Visualize 可視化 

Concept + ize = Conceptualize 概念化 

Human + ize = Humanize 人性化 


