IELTS Speaking 考試最常見嘅問題就係考生對「高分」嘅想法同考官對「高分」嘅要求與期望並不相同。舉例來講,大部分考IELTS嘅同學都覺得只要用好長好難嘅字詞 (Big words) 就能夠得到高分,雖然唔能夠否定用Big words的確對用詞有幫助,但Speaking 考試高分嘅重點係「聽上嚟夠地道」,長而難嘅生字唔常見,亦唔多人明白呢啲字嘅意思,所以對獲得高分係無太大幫助。


試想想Speaking 考試嘅問答情景:

考官:What is your favourite food?

考生A答案:I like eating pasta.

考生A會俾人一個咩印象?答案就係太籠統同普通 (General)。咁簡短嘅回應,考官又點會對你印象深刻呢?

以“What is your favourite food (你最鍾意嘅食物係咩)?” 為例,可以用3Ws 嘅思路去回答-What, Why and Where.

  • What – 你最鍾意嘅食物係咩?
  • Why – 點解最鍾意?
  • Where – 你係邊到搵到呢樣食物?


問題:What is your favourite food?

考生A答案:I really like eating pasta, especially fettuccine alfredo as that white sauce is very zesty.  Also, I can recall the first time I had it as a child from an Italian restaurant named Amaroni’s which was around the corner from my house.  Yes, I’d have to say that fettuccine alfredo would be my pick.
(我很喜歡吃意大利麵,由其是義大利寬麵,因為它的白汁很滋味。我甚至記得小時候我在家附近街角的一間Amaroni’s 意大利餐廳第一次品嚐到寬麵。無可否認,它就是我的首選。)

相信你都留意到兩個答案嘅分別,考生A唔單止回答咗考官問題,內容豐富同運用咗Specific嘅生字例如 “Fettuccine Alfredo (義大利寬麵)” 、”Zesty (滋味)” ,令有簡易嘅字句 “Around the corner”,整體回答語氣很地道同回語化。


問題:Where have you gone on vacation?

考生A答案:I’ve been to Japan.


問題:Where have you gone on vacation?

考生B答案:I’ve been to a lot of places such as Osaka, Japan and the reason I went to there was to visit Universal Studios.  I really enjoyed the Jurassic Park ride.  The pterodactyl looked really cool and I would recommend the ride to anyone.
