Technology 喺 IELTS 入面都係另一個好常見嘅 topic,我哋處於資訊咁發達嘅時代,梗係要學翻幾個同科技有關嘅英文啦,今日就同大家分享6個實用嘅vocab!


1. Ahead of one’s time 超前於時代


Considered 10 years later, I believe this invention will still be ahead of its time.



2. Pioneering 開創性的


Steve Jobs’ pioneering work in the field of technology will always be acclaimed.



3. Obsolete 過時的


Counter transactions may be gradually obsolete as there is an increase in the numbers of virtual banks.



4. Breakthrough 突破


Remote learning has been a breakthrough in the technology field since 2020.



5. Tech-savvy 精通技術的人


He is tech-savvy. He will help you with any technical problems, so you need not worry about them.



6. Silver surfer 頻繁使用網絡的年長者


During lockdown, the number of silver surfers have been increasing as social isolation is one of the main concerns for them.
